Friday, September 26, 2008

Hope Abandoned

I cannot continue writing. My brains are scrambled, I miss too many critical things when reading and make a fool of myself, and my moods are too unstable. So farewell, once again, perhaps one day I can return, but I have little hope for it. I will try to keep this up with reposts, at least for a while, but no more new.


Unknown said...

Mr. Marshall, or Joe,

If words fail you maybe you should try photography once again to express yourself. I'm just saying this because it has worked for me lately and I can testify! :) I'm also saying this because I don't like to see a fellow human or a fellow photographer suffer!
Best wishes to you,
Sheila Patterson (one of your former students)

Chente said...

Hope you are OK...

Chevalier Mal Fet said...

I also hope that you are okay